Thoughts vs Emotions

“I feel bad.”

“That makes me feel some type of way.”

“I feel like having pizza for dinner.”

Popular culture has used feelings and thoughts interchangeable.  Despite the word ‘feel’ in the above statements, those are examples of thoughts.  This can be confusing when you are trying to make sense of how to deal with your feelings.

Why is it important to know the difference?

Emotions happen.  Emotions are valid and have a purpose.   We cannot will ourselves to change our emotions.  Well you can go ahead….try to make yourself happy…now sad.  See it doesn’t work!  Just like you cannot make yourself ovulate, you cannot willingly change your emotions.  We can however change our thoughts.  Thoughts are a choice.  We get to choose how we think about a situation.  Once we can establish the difference, it allows you to be empowered in choosing a different thought.

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Thoughts are a choice

lmv counseling wilmington individual counseling anxiety depression addiction overwhelemed

It is very rare to come across a situation that only presents one option.  The second option may not be ideal or what we want, but there is a second option.  This is the same with our thoughts.  Often times, that first th

ought may not be the most helpful, positive, or realistic.  Challenge yourself to look at another option than that first thought.  For example, your first thought is, “ugh it is raining outside.”  Challenge yourself instead to find a helpful thought like, “The rain will help the flowers in my yard grow.”  A shift in perspective can make all the difference.  Go ahead, give it a try!

Are you ready to begin to look for more helpful and optimistic thoughts to change your life?  Individual counseling provides a one on one skill building to help you be a master of your thoughts.


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