Make Self-Care a Priority

Make Self-Care a Priority

Self-care: care for oneself. Self-care is a necessity to keep yourself sane, healthy, and balanced.  I’ve chosen four self-care activities that are really worth performing on a consistent basis. 1) Guided meditation I have found that guided meditation is far and away...
All the Feels

All the Feels

Emotions can be tricky. Many people judge feelings or try to suppress their emotions.  It might be better just to stuff it down in a deep dark hole and not deal with it…right? Unfortunately, it is this avoiding that often leads to stress and the development of...
Start Dealing with Your Anxiety

Start Dealing with Your Anxiety

It’s time for you to start beginning to address your anxiety and take control back. First, identify your worries, anxieties, and fears are and write them down on a piece of paper. We often don’t fully understand our fears and worries.  They can drive our...
Types of Stress

Types of Stress

Stress can come in all different forms We experience good stress, called eustress, and bad stress, called distress.  Both types of stress take a toll on our minds and bodies.  There are many experiences that are positive and exciting that can cause stress.  For...
Discover the Best Individual Therapist For You

Discover the Best Individual Therapist For You

Discover the Best Therapist For You You’ve had enough. You’re finally ready to try something else. You’ve asked your friends for a recommendation or have found someone on the internet. You may be asking yourself, “I don’t know what to say,” or “nothing else seems to...