Our world is rapidly moving forward in the digital age.  Healthcare has notoriously been behind on keeping up with the changing landscape.  LMV Counseling is keeping up with these trends and offers private, confidential online counseling.  We often encounter hesitation about online counseling and many people wonder if it even works.  We’ll outline ways to get the most out of your online counseling experience.online therapy in north carolina

1) Building a relationship

One of the biggest concerns we’ve heard from people seeking therapy online is, “how will the therapist actually know me? How will we make a connection?”  We understand this is a concern and being in person can help foster a relationship.  However, we’ve seen relationships online grow over the past 25 years.  A majority of people of seeking and finding romantic relationships online now, whether is be a dating service or app.  Romantic relationships are built and sustained all online.  Of course the relationship with your therapist isn’t romantic, but developing love for a person online is an example that relationships can be built digitally.  Additionally, many people who are fans of the same shows connect online, chat, and feel like they’re a friend.

2) Make sure to prep for your session

Choose a well lit area for therapy for your session. Do not place light behind you. This will black out your face making it difficult for your therapist to see you.  When in conducting a session, try to limit the noise in the background.  A barking dog and Roomba can be a huge distraction during a session.  Headphones are an excellent option to help reduce background noise and increase clarity.

Position the your webcam in a position that shows your whole face and some of your shoulders.  This allows you to maintain eye contact with your therapist and facilitate bonding.  Be sure to test your webcam prior to the session.  Remember it can be distracting for the therapist if you are too close to the screen or distracted by something else on your screen.  Try to maximize the video conferencing system to your whole computer screen to decrease distractions.  It’s also helpful to shut down apps or programs running in the background that may interfere with your internet connection.

online therapy near me3) Privacy

Opt for a private and confidential space.  If you’re at work, make sure your door is closed and no coworkers can hear you.  Likewise, if you’re at home try to find a place in your home where no one will hear you.  Finding a private and confidential space will help keep you at ease and more open during the session.

4) High speed internet

It is important to test your internet speed prior to starting the session.  30-40 mbps is recommended.  For those located in a remote area, using an ethernet cable may be your best option for consistent internet speed.

5) Be open

Just like many things with technology it takes some time to get used to. Online counseling is no different.  It can provide the flexibility you need to live your busy life and prioritize your mental health.  Additionally, your therapist can walk you through steps to help increase your comfort with the video conferencing platform, doxy.me/lmvcounseling.

Online counseling is available through LMV Counseling for residents of North Carolina.  Our licenses limit our ability to provide online counseling over state lines at this time.  Want counseling that’s convenient for you?  Get started now.


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