24 hours

Every person has 24 hours in a day.  Time is the great equalizer.  Some days you conquer your entire to do list and others it seems like you only completed one task.  You may know someone who knocks out tasks in half the time that you do.  It may leave you wondering, “how do they do it?!”



Time management is the key to productivity.

Many people are not taught this critical skill in school.  Lack of time management can cause procrastination and frustration.  If that’s you keep reading!  Here are three tips to get you started on a path to better time management  This will lead to less stress and more productivity.

Manage your time to be more productive

  1. Limit distractions– We live in a world of constant distractions.  A social media post here, a text message there, and an email from our boss all while listening to music.  Your brain is working overtime!  In addition to trying to tune out the obvious distractions, it is also filtering out background noise, smells, bodily sensations, and random thoughts.  That’s a lot for your brain to handle.  Make it easier by limiting distractions.  Turn your phone on do not disturb and put it on the opposite side of the room where you will not be distracted by temptations to check it.  Better yet…turn it off.  Close out whatever windows on your computer you are not using.  Turn off all music.  That’s right…all music.  Particularly music with words.  You may not be consciously aware of the lyrics but you better believe your brain in paying attention to the story it’s telling.  Close the door to limit distractions from children, roommates, pets, and partners.
  2. Prioritize- It is not magic when that productive person you are thinking of gets everything done.  They prioritize what is most important to get done today.  Not all tasks need to be completed RIGHT NOW.  Likely, that email can wait and the text message from mom can wait.  Take time at the beginning of your day to think about the tasks that need to get done today.  Write them down and focus on completing only those.  Once those are completed, if you have time for more repeat the process.
  3. One thing at a time– Most people think they are good at multitasking.  Unfortunately, our brains cannot focus on two things at the same time.  Our brains can quickly shift its attention from one task to another and back again, but not at the same time.  Try to focus on one task at a time and then move to the next.  Leave the juggling for the circus entertainers!

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