Surviving Opinions on Social Media

Surviving Opinions on Social Media

Surviving your Newsfeed We’ve all experienced it.  You’re scrolling on Instagram and you see a controversial post from a friend that surprises you. You’ve become curious and scrolled through the comments.  It shocks you to see the strong opinions that others are...
Working Through Shame

Working Through Shame

Shame goes hand in hand with substance use.  Often when folks begin to enter into recovery or make changes in their lives, they are overcome with feelings of shame and guilt.  Shame is feeling that as a person, you are bad, inadequate, defective, unworthy or less than...
Is Your Job Is Causing Depression?

Is Your Job Is Causing Depression?

Job Dissatisfaction and Depression We’ve all been there at some point in our working lives.  Our job is causing us stress and the demands seem unreasonable.  There are several reasons why people become dissatisfied with their jobs.  Some of the most common reasons...